We understand that this may be an overwhelming time if you’ve recently been involved in the juvenile justice system or have recently been adjudicated. We are here to help you.
We’ve taken some time to put together some of the most important information should know about juvenile case in court.
You are entitled to have an attorney represent you if have to go to court on an allegation of delinquency in Juvenile Court.
The paperwork that you have been given should have the name and contact information for your attorney.
It is important that you contact your attorney as soon as possible, before discussing the case with anyone else. They will be able to help you prepare for your court case, and among other things, they will remind you to dress appropriately for court.
Be on time. This lets the judge know that you take your case seriously.
Be sure to be honest with your lawyer about the event and what outcome you would like to see happen over the length of your case, in the event of adjudication.
Need to see a visual check-list? The Juvenile Justice Section of the Division of Adult Corrections and Juvenile Justice has put together a chart that shows the court process which can be accessed here.​
If you are charged with an offense that happened at school, in addition to the court case, you may have consequences at school. The Advocates for Children’s Services at Legal Aid NC work to protect your rights. They have created a brochure entitled “Know Your Rights, Remedies & Resources”.​
What exactly is a YDC or Detention Center?: This YouTube video explains what Detention Centers and Youth Development Centers (YDC) are, the differences and what attorneys, parents, and youth can expect if their adjudication includes a stay in either. Please watch this short video created by NC DPS.

Being adjudicated (having a formal judgement against you) in juvenile court can have lasting consequences. You are eligible for an expunction if:
1. You are now 18 years old,
2. 18 months has passed since you were released from the jurisdiction of juvenile court,
3. You have no adjudications or convictions (juvenile or adult) since the offense, and
4. You were not adjudicated of a Class A-E felony.
If you meet this criteria, you will need to complete this AOC-J-903M and the required affidavits. You will also need to get two non-family members to fill out AOC-J-904M confirming your good character. There is NO FEE to file this petition with the court; however, you are not entitled to have court appointed counsel to complete this process.
For more information on this and other types of expunction-including juvenile dismissals, undisciplined, and under 18-year-old expunctions in adult court, please visit the NC Justice Center and their Summary of North Carolina EXPUNCTIONS.